Howlite (White Turquoise)
Howlite (White Turquoise)
The first reported discovery of Howlite was made by Henry How in Windsor, Nova Scotia, but he simply called it “silico-boro-calcite.”
The stone was later given the name “Howlite” in his honor, by American geologist, James Dwight Dana.
In addition to Nova Scotia, deposits of the gemstone have also been found in Germany, and
Turkey, as well as California and Nevada within the United States.
Howlite most often appears as opaque, white, stones with thin veins of grey or black running through them.
This shared visual feature has led to the stone receiving the nickname “White Turquoise.”
It's also known as White Buffalo Stone. Its history and tradition are a deep part of the culture and traditions of Native Americans.
The stark contrast is striking and eye-catching, and yet there is something peaceful about its presentation.
This lovely Howlite bracelet would be the perfect complement to anyone’s sense of style.
Add its unique and calming energy to your collection today!
(Photos taken by LAIFF Award-Winning Jean Luis Garcia)